A website was recently found to have purported to post personal information of journalists in Hong Kong. The International Federation of Journalists…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomed the commitment of the Palestinian government to delivering on its promises for media sector…

A court in Hargeisa city, located in Somalia’s northern breakaway region of Somaliland, ordered on September 4 the blocking of Hadhwanaag news…

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) sent along with other journalists and human rights organisations a letter to…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the authorities in Tanzania to drop all charges against prominent Tanzanian…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have today welcomed the pre-trial release of RIA…

On 11th August, the Russian national communications regulator Roskomnadzor published a statement demanding Google to prevent its video-sharing service…

Israeli authorities have been detaining Palestinian journalist Mustafa Al-Kharouf since 22nd January and tried to deport him to Jordan on 21st July.…

El 2 de agosto fue atacado a tiros y asesinado el periodista Jorge Celestino Ruiz Vázquez, en el municipio de Actopan (Veracruz). Ruiz Vázquez ya…

Lydia Cacho, reconocida comunicadora especializada en casos de violaciones de derechos humanos de niñas, niños y mujeres, fue víctima del robo de…

El presidente brasileño, Jair Bolsonaro, ha amenazado públicamente con encarcelar al periodista estadounidense Glenn Greenwald tras la publicación de…

Israeli military forces attacked Palestinian journalists when they were covering a protest march in the Gaza border. The International Federation of…

The Polish weekly Gazeta Polska announced on 17th July plans to distribute “LGBT-free zone” stickers to its readers in its next issue. Together with…

UMNO’s Lembah Pantai division expelled non-Malay reporters from covering its annual general meeting on Sunday, July 14. The International Federation…

Turkish courts this week handed down several prison sentences against journalists and decided to keep others in detention after adjourning their…

Freelance journalist Yahya al-Sawari was arrested on 3rd July by Yemeni security forces loyal to Saudi Arabia and has been held incommunicado since…