The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Syrian Journalists Union (SJU), in calling for the release of…

Founder of Next Digital Jimmy Lai has been sentenced 13 months in prison for inciting others to take part in the Tiananmen Massacre vigil on June 4,…

The Hong Kong government has accused The Wall Street Journal of “incitement,” claiming it may have broken the city’s electoral law over an editorial…

En la víspera del Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, las autoridades mexicanas reconocieron su responsabilidad en la desaparición y falta de…

El fundador de Wikileaks y periodista de investigación Julian Assange podría ser extraditado a los Estados Unidos siguiendo lo determinado por la…

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha publicado el viernes 10 de diciembre las listas de periodistas que permanecen encarcelados/as y de…

Chinese businessman Fang Bin, who reported on the Covid-19 pandemic from the front line in China, was reportedly being detained pending trial. The…

Dos reporteros del periódico La República y uno del semanario Hildebrandt en sus 13 fueron blanco de hostigamientos y amenazas tras publicar artículos…

Two Norwegian journalists working for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) were arrested by Qatari authorities for 36 hours. They had been…

On November 24, the Council of Global Unions issued a global workers’ call for universal access to Covid-19 vaccines and health products and…

The International Federation of Journalists has backed calls from its affiliates CWA Canada, the Fédération Nationale des Communications et de la…

A journalist was kidnapped while working at his newspaper’s offices in Benghazi, Libya's second biggest city on November 22. The International…

[Translate to Spanish:]

En vísperas del Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer, el 25 de noviembre, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas…

Durante la jornada de ayer, la Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa (FATPREN) y el Sindicato de Prensa de Buenos Aires (SiPreBA) lanzaron…

On 17 November, two journalists were sentenced by the Egyptian Emergency State Security Court to four years in jail. The International Federation of…

Christos Christophides from the Union of Cyprus Journalists explains the benefits of ILO Convention 190 and how it widens the scope of a workplace to…