The Belarusian authorities have blocked access to several media websites and disrupted print media circulation, claiming that there are problems with…

The Covid-19 pandemic has worsened the press freedom situation in countries such as China, Russia, and Turkey, where authorities have used it as a…

A group of Ukrainian investigative journalists is being subjected to a campaign of harassment and intimidation, including surveillance and arson…

As ongoing protests over the disputed presidential election result rock Minsk, the Belarus Association of Journalists (BAJ) has reported 160 cases of…

At least 19 journalists were detained and many others were prevented from covering the Belarusian presidential election held on Sunday, August 9. The…

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Más de la mitad de las mujeres periodistas han experimentado un aumento de las desigualdades de género debido a COVID-19 , según una nueva encuesta…

After years of resisting demands to pay for news, Google said in a surprise announcement on 25 June it had reached  deals with a number of news…

Turkish authorities have told Iranian journalists Arash Yavari and his wife Masoomeh Hatamkhani, who is also a journalist, to leave the country and go…

One year after quashing the warrants against two investigative journalists, the High Court in Belfast last week revealed that its decision was based…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ) are extremely concerned by violence against journalists during the protests…

Russian security forces arrested former journalist and current adviser of the head of the Russian space agency Ivan Safronov on 7 July on charges of…

Radio journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva has been found guilty of "justifying terrorism" and fined 500,000 rubles (around 6.000 €) over a column she wrote…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and dozens of press freedom, human rights, and privacy rights organizations across five continents…

Russian journalist and photographer David Frenkel was assaulted and seriously injured by a policeman at a polling station in St. Petersburg on 2 July…

Croatian Prime minister Andrej Plenkovic accused journalists' union leader Maja Sever of collaborating with his political opponent ahead of a…

A Turkish court has requested on 9 March the extradition of a Turkish journalist who is living in exile in Sweden for allegedly insulting two officers…