As part of its 2020 campaign to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has sent a letter to…

La impunidad se produce cuando los/as que amenazan, atacan y matan a periodistas siguen libres.

On Sunday, 18 October, Kosovo journalist Shkumbin Kajtazi announced via a Facebook post that he had found his car damaged by several bullets that…

Foreign journalists travelling to the Netherlands will be exempt from a travel ban and be able to leave quarantine to carry out vital newsgathering…

On 16 October 2017, journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated in Malta. Three years later we, the undersigned 19 international free…

On 8 October, the Armenian authorities decided to amend the martial law declared on 27 September 2020, which from now on prohibits the publication of…

Belarusian riot police detained dozens of protesters in several cities on Sunday as thousands rallied for the ninth consecutive Sunday rally against…

¡Es el día internacional de la salida del armario! Para celebrarlo, el consejo de Global Unions lanza nuestro sitio web LGBTI. Aquí compartimos…

Google’s offer to pay to license news has been welcomed by journalists’ unions around the world as an important first step, but the pledge of just…

Police detained four journalists in eastern Turkey on 6 October and raided their homes and offices following their reporting on allegations of Turkish…

Lawyers for the US government wrangled for days to prevent Julian Assange's extradition proceedings hearing Khaled El-Masri’s evidence. When…

Police detained four journalists in eastern Turkey on 6 October and raided their homes and offices following their reporting on allegations of Turkish…

La pandemia del Covid-19 ha cambiado radicalmente la forma en que millones de trabajadores/as de todo el mundo, incluidos los de los medios de…

Russian news editor Irina Slavina has died after setting herself on fire in front of an interior ministry office in Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia) on…

The National Union of Journalists has condemned the targeting of NUJ members and chapel reps at London-based broadcaster Iran International in a…

UPDATED 1 OCTOBER Three journalists from the Azerbaijan Public Television ITV who were reporting from the Azerbaijani-Armenian frontline have been…