The health of Hisham Fouad, a journalist and activist detained for over 2 years is deteriorating after he staged a hunger strike. Fouad, who has been…

UK media organisations and the IFJ’s affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Foreign…

On July 29, a Chinese court sentenced Zhou Wilin, a reporter for the human rights news website Weiquanqwang, to three years and six months in prison…

The United States’ government announced on August 2 that it will provide Afghan nationals working at US-based media outlets and NGOs an opportunity to…

Somali journalists deserve to work in an environment free of fear for their safety if they are to make a positive contribution to the development of…

Opposition members of Malaysia’s parliament who marched to the parliamentary building on August 2 were met by a police blockade and threatened with…

Taliban militants shot at a car carrying journalists Shakib Shams and Storio Karimi on August 1 in the Pol-e Malan area of Herat Province. The…

Durante la noche del viernes 30 de julio el comunicador fue baleado en el departamento de Chiquimula. Al momento no hay detenidos pero el Ministerio…

Tras la publicación del informe #PegasusProject, quedó evidenciado que lxs trabajadorxs de prensa están en riesgo de ser víctimas de espionaje ya que…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

An independent inquiry into the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia published on 29 July found that the Maltese state bears responsibility for…

Thailand’s government has implemented a new regulation under Section 9 of the Royal Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations which…

La periodista y defensora de los derechos humanos Lydia Cacho fue víctima de torturas en 2005 luego de exponer a una red de prostitución y pornografía…

Several sources, including dozens of Iranian journalists reported internet connection shutdowns and interruptions across the country amid protests in…

A court in Gomel, Belarus, declared on 27 July that the news website and social networks of the independent Polish channel Belsat TV were to be…

Four Afghan journalists, Bismillah Watandoost, Qudrat Soltani, Mujib Obaidi, and Sanaullah Siam were arrested by Afghanistan’s National Directorate of…