57-year-old Samir Abeid, a dual Iraqi and Norwegian national , was arrested by Iraqi security forces on Sunday 22 October at his home in Al Qadisyah…

On October 14, Rosalyn Albaniel Evara, the business editor of PNG’s largest newspaper, Post Courier, was rushed to hospital but died shortly after.…

The Pacific Media Network (PMN) launched on Friday, October 27 at the IFJ’s inaugural Pacific regional meeting and workshop in Port Vila, Vanuatu, and…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticise the recent decision by Next magazine to terminate a veteran political cartoonist.…

La campaña de la FIP para poner fin a la impunidad este 2017 comenzará el 2 de noviembre, Día Internacional para Poner Fin a la Impunidad de los…

A Syrian journalist was killed and a cameraman injured in a shelling by Syrian government forces on 29 October in Damascus province. The International…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack on journalist Ahmed Noorani at Khayaban-e-Suharwardi of Islamabad, the capital…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the blocking of several Hong Kong-based media outlets to cover the press…

The International Federation of Journalists welcomes new Canadian law protecting confidential sources of journalists that was approved on 18 October.

Deputy editor in chief and anchor Tatyana Felgengauer working for Ekho Moskyv radio station was stabbed in the throat on 23 October at the radio…

At least eight Palestinian TV and media production companies were raided on 17 October in the West Bank and are being forced to close for six months.…