A nation-wide campaign countering the Australian government’s culture of secrecy launched on Australian television yesterday, continuing today with…

Nepali journalist and union leader Ajaya Babu Shiwakoti has been the subject of a campaign of threats and surveillance since the publishing of an…

In another dire week for media in Hong Kong, one journalist was seriously injured by a projectile fired from a police shotgun and others were…

Multiple media violations against journalists were recorded during the fourth round of Afghanistan’s presidential elections on Saturday, September 28.…

Dandhy Dwi Laksono, a journalist filmmaker for WatchDoc, was arrested on September 26 and charged under Indonesia’s controversial Information and…

Online and broadcast journalists in the Philippines will have greater ability to protect their sources following an expansion of the country’s…

A website was recently found to have purported to post personal information of journalists in Hong Kong. The International Federation of Journalists…

A bill in the US creates a small claim procedure to help creators tackle copyright infringements. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)…

Maja Pavlović, the owner of the independent regional TV Kanal 9 in Serbia, has been on hunger strike for 14 days to protest against the economic…

The wife of a detained Chinese-Australian writer has been interrogated by Chinese officials and denied from leaving China. The International…

Big German media are failing to properly credit photojournalists’ pictures they use, a campaign launched by the Deutscher Journalisten Verband (DJV)…

El 30º Congreso Mundial de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) tendrá lugar del 11 al 14 de junio en Túnez. Más de 300 delegados en…

Adoptée par le Sénat en janvier, la proposition de loi créant un droit voisin au bénéfice des acteurs de presse en France sera examinée par…

Today, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and its affiliates launch the 17th edition…

El martes 26 de marzo, el Parlamento Europeo adoptó la Directiva sobre Derechos de Autor en el mercado único digital por 348 votos a favor y 274 en…

On the eve of the final vote of the Copyright Directive, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Members of the European Parliament…